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At Abbey Meads, we believe that effective personal, social and health education, combined with citizenship education is essential if our pupils are to make responsible and well informed decisions about their lives. We believe that the school curriculum should provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve, and should also promote pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.


1. Aims

The aims of PSHE&C are to enable the children to develop the skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes they need to be able to:

  • Have respect for themselves and others, valuing the differences and similarities between people

  • Develop good relationships with other members of the school and wider community

  • Be independent, self-disciplined and responsible members of society

  • Be positive and active members of a democratic society

  • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues

  • Know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle

  • Be aware of safety issues and manage risk in their own lives

2. Curriculum Organisation

  • The Jigsaw scheme of work is used to support the teaching and learning of PSHE&C. This scheme links to the Excellence and Enjoyment pack: social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL)

  • In addition to this, PSHE&C is also taught within other subject areas and as part of cross-curricular projects: Science, Geography, RE, English and History

  • PSHE&C will also be addressed on a daily basis as questions and incidents arise.  At times, teachers may choose to hold an additional 'circle-time' session in response to a particular event or issue

  • Whole school and class assemblies provide a daily opportunity to enhance pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, promoting our school’s values and celebrating achievement

3. Teaching and Learning Strategies

During timetabled PSHE&C time, an emphasis is placed on active learning through planned discussions, circle-time, investigations, role-play activities, puppets, group-work and problem-solving. Calm time is also used to help children reflect and focus. All teachers will provide a safe learning environment through the establishment of Golden Rules which are displayed in each classroom and reinforced consistently. The Jigsaw Charter is used to support children during sessions and help them to feel supported and positive when working. Good behaviour, respect for others, development of self-esteem and a positive work ethic is encouraged through the overarching three rules that all pupils are expected to follow are ‘1. Be Kind 2. Be Kind 3.Be Kind’. In line with our behaviour and discipline policy, rewards for keeping the key school rules or Class Golden Rules, teachers use their discretion to award house points and, at times, periods of Golden Time. These periods are optional and not compulsory (forming a part of the teachers’ reward options) consisting of activities agreed by the pupils.  Visiting speakers such as the police and health workers may also contribute to the taught curriculum.


Beyond timetabled PSHE&C lessons, pupils are supported in applying the skills they are learning, in real-life situations as they arise: e.g. resolving conflicts; working a part of a group on a project.

Children are encouraged to take part in a range of practical activities to promote active citizenship, e.g. charity fund-raising; the planning of special events at school; making class rules; school and class council meetings; recycling; and by taking on roles of responsibility for themselves, for others and for the school.


4. Delivery of RSE

We teach Relationship Education and Health Education, which includes puberty work and elements of science connected to reproduction. These are statutory. More information about this can be found on the AMCPS – Relationships and Sex Education Policy. RSE is taught mainly within the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum. Biological aspects of RSE are taught within the science curriculum, and other aspects are included in religious education (RE) and physical education (PE).

5. Equal Opportunities

All children have an entitlement to access the PSHE&C curriculum.  All children will have access to appropriate resources within the school.  These will reflect a multi-cultural society, without stereotyping or discrimination.  All children will be given the opportunity to participate in all activities regardless of gender, race or ability. 


6. Community Links

Working in partnership with parents and carers and with the wider school community is an essential element of PSHE&C.  We seek to involve parents and keep them informed through our weekly newsletters and termly class meetings.  Parents are encouraged to come into school whenever they have any concerns or anything they would like to discuss with us. 

Parent Support

Healthy Lunchboxes...

Please download the following page for ideas to fill a healthy lunchbox:

Lunch box suggestions

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