Learning another language is full of rich opportunities for the children. Within Abbey Meads, they develop a practical knowledge of a modern foreign language, which enables them to explore relationships between language and identity and develop a deeper understanding of other cultures.
At Abbey Meads, the language we teach is French; we believe this gives children an opportunity to learn about other cultures and countries as well as giving them new ways of communicating with others.
Contents taught are outlined in the National Curriculum. Lessons are practical and enjoyable with a focus on developing basic vocabulary skills and effective communication with others. There is less emphasis on written French as we feel it is important for the children to gain confidence in speaking the new language, although in Key Stage 2 there is an expectation to produce a number of written pieces during the year.
French is taught using a range of interactive programs, such as Rigolo, pictures and various websites. The children complete lots of repetition activities and work together to build simple conversation pieces using new key phrases as well as building on vocabulary previously learnt. Children learn songs and rhymes to support their learning. As far as possible, topics taught in French, link with the topics being taught in each year group, with vocabulary taught building on vocabulary from previous years. For example, Year 3 learn about simple conversation, describing their families, transport and animals. Year 5 topics link with space and planets as well as ordering food in cafes. Year 5 children also have the opportunity to attend a World Language Day at Abbey Park Academy, where they are immersed in a wider range of languages such as Welsh, Arabic and Russian.
Parents were welcomed into the school to observe (and join in with) our All Things French open hour, where every class in the school was doing different activities to showcase their French learning and skills throughout the school.
Some French labelling games for KS1 and KS2 pupils to do with numbers, colours, animals, food, transport and classroom objects. There’s also a crossword activity for KS2 pupils revising a range of French vocabulary.
A website for KS2 and KS3 pupils with a number of activities and games, introducing and revising many areas of French.
Modern Foreign Languages/French
French – a free app for iPads which includes games and activities
Subjects/French - lots of activities and video clips
French greetings songs/animations
French weather
A silly song about colours by Alain Le Lait